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Enviromental Policy
and Green Actions

In our hotel we believe in green entrepreneurship and we have adopted practices for saving energy, water and proper waste management in absolute harmony with the natural environment. The continuous reduction of the energy footprint resulting from the hotel’s activities is our primary concern and is reflected in the international ecological quality label “Green Key Eco Label” that we will acquire for the environmental policy we follow.

For this reason:

We use solar energy to heat water and limit losses by fully insulating its transmission pipes.

We made sure to replace our lamps with new, reduced energy consumption.We use detergents and cleaners that are environmentally friendly.

We support the non-profit organization “Clean Hands” in order to collect used soaps from hotels and convert them, after special processing into new soaps that are then distributed to vulnerable social groups and institutions.

We use a magnetic card in the rooms to stop the operation of all electrical supplies, except the refrigerator.

We return the used batteries in cooperation with the company “AFIS” and our electrical or electronic equipment in indirect cooperation with the company ElectroCycle.